
How far will a toy car go after going down a ramp?

How far will a toy car go after going down a ramp?
  1. How does ramp height affect the distance of a toy car?
  2. Will the stopping distance of a toy car after Travelling down a ramp be affected by the height of the ramp?
  3. How does gravity affect a toy car going down a ramp?
  4. What happen to the toy car when you make the inclined plane steeper?

How does ramp height affect the distance of a toy car?

So the higher the ramp is, the more gravitational potential energy there will be to be converted into kinetic energy, resulting in more kinetic energy making the car travel at a faster speed.

Will the stopping distance of a toy car after Travelling down a ramp be affected by the height of the ramp?

Each group found that the distance the car traveled increased as the height of the ramp increased. The car traveled the least distance with three books and the greatest distance with the five books.

How does gravity affect a toy car going down a ramp?

When a car is on a ramp, a component or part of the force of gravity acts parallel to the ramp, causing the car to speed up, or accelerate down the ramp. This acceleration is not as great as when the car falls straight down since part of the gravitational force is also holding the car against the ramp.

What happen to the toy car when you make the inclined plane steeper?

When a marble or toy car is let go at the top of a slope it is pulled down the slope by the force called gravity. ... If the angle of the slope gets too steep, the car or marble may fall off, i.e. take a nose-dive.

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