
How do you make something go a very far distance with only a balloon and car with no toy car wheels?

How do you make something go a very far distance with only a balloon and car with no toy car wheels?
  1. How far can a balloon car travel?
  2. How does size affect the distance and speed of a balloon racer?
  3. What made the balloon rocket move?
  4. How do you make a toy car move without touching it?
  5. Does the shape of a balloon affect how far it travels?
  6. Why is my balloon powered car not moving?
  7. How does the circumference of a balloon affect the distance it can travel?

How far can a balloon car travel?

All cars should travel in a straight line. All cars will use only one 9-inch balloon to power it. Car should be capable of traveling at least 4 Meters.

How does size affect the distance and speed of a balloon racer?

Keep in mind the nozzle size will determine how much pushing force (thrust) the balloon will create. The greater the size the greater the thrust but the faster the air will escape.

What made the balloon rocket move?

As the air escapes from the balloon, it exerts a force on the ground and the air outside of the balloon. According to Newton's Third Law of Motion, as the gas is released from the balloon and pushes against the outside air, the outside air pushes back. As a result, the rocket is propelled forward by the opposing force.

How do you make a toy car move without touching it?

Basically, turn your soft drink can around and around one way so the elastic groups store up some likely vitality. At that point, place your vehicle on the ground and let the can go. The soft drink can turn, delivering all the put-away vitality and moving your cardboard vehicle!

Does the shape of a balloon affect how far it travels?

Two different-shaped balloons, one oblong and the other round: when the air is released from them one travels further than the other. ... A larger balloon would contain more air, so, all other things being equal, we would expect the larger balloon to be able to propel itself for more time than a smaller balloon.

Why is my balloon powered car not moving?

There are many reasons that cause your own car not to get in motion, which includes: particularly if its axles are not parallel or the wheels wobble, your balloon may not be thoroughly attached to the straw, the balloon may not sat on the car when inflated instead on the floor, too much friction can cause the wheels to ...

How does the circumference of a balloon affect the distance it can travel?

The bigger balloons can exert more air, allowing them to travel for a longer distance. You might need a helper to lend a hand while measure the balloons circumference.

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