
Pourquoi la production de voitures studebaker et edsel s'est-elle arrêtée?
Pourquoi Studebaker a-t-il cessé de fabriquer des voitures? Au début des années 1930, Studebaker a été durement touché par la Grande Dépression et en ...
Qu'ont fait les frères Studebaker?
Pourquoi Studebaker était-il connu ?? Les origines de la Studebaker Corporation remontent à 1852, lorsque les frères Henry et Clement Studebaker ont o...
Do they still make studebaker?
When was the last Studebaker car built? The Last Studebaker Models 1964-1966. The last year for Studebaker production models was 1966, and they were m...
What year was the last year Studebaker cars was produced in the US?
When was last Studebaker made? The Last Studebaker Models 1964-1966. The last year for Studebaker production models was 1966, and they were manufactur...
Did the car pakards stop being made?
Why did Packard stop making cars? Packard was known for making the finest automobile bodies in America, but to save costs it decided to farm out its b...