
Quelle est la cylindrée d'un Detroit Diesel 12V71?
Combien de litres est un 6V92 Detroit Diesel? Le Detroit Diesel 6V92 est un moteur six cylindres à deux temps avec un alésage de 4.84 pouces (123 mm) ...
Combien y avait-il de constructeurs automobiles à Détroit en 1903 ??
Combien y avait-il de constructeurs automobiles à Detroit ?? C'est un fait bien connu que les Big Three sont composés de General Motors, Fiat Chrysler...
Quel est le plus gros moteur diesel à deux temps de Detroit?
Quel a été le dernier 2 temps fabriqué par Detroit Diesel? En 1998, MTU, qui avait acheté Detroit Diesel à Penske en 2006, a finalement cessé la produ...
What is the nicknamed motor city because of its car production?
How did Motor City get its name? Detroit is nicknamed motor city because it has been the center of the American automotive industry for more than a ce...
What city in the US makes automobiles?
What city produces the most automobiles? The Kansas City plant had the highest output of any car factory on U.S. soil last year, thanks in part to For...
What is the biggest center in the world for the manufacture of automobiles?
Where is the largest automobile manufacturing center in the world? The largest car-making manufacturing plant in the world—70 million square feet larg...
Why does Detroit make cars?
Why did car manufacturers leave Detroit? The spread of the auto industry outward from Detroit proper in the 1950s was the beginning of a process that ...
What is the most famous fact about Detroit?
What is Detroit mainly known for? Nicknamed 'Motor City', it's best known as the birthplace of the modern automobile, with visitors flocking to the in...